• 2023-06-27

    Application of Medium Voltage Technology in Gold Wire Ball Welding

Gold wire ball soldering technology, also known as chip wiring technology, is a primary internal interconnection method that connects frame pins to the surface of the bare chip or the internal logic circuit of the device. This connection method connects the logic signal or electrical signal of the chip to the outside world. The schematic diagram of wire ball welding technology is as follows. The wire ball welding process is a solid-state welding process different from hot welding. Its principle is to output ultrasonic sine wave electrical signals through an ultrasonic generator, which are transformed into mechanical vibration through an ultrasonic transducer. The amplitude is amplified by an ultrasonic amplitude converter and transmitted to the welding cutter, causing friction on the metal contact surface. In the early stage of welding, the oxide film and impurities in the welding area are eliminated, and vibration friction allows for full contact between the two metals. During the welding phase, due to the high sound resistance at the interface between the two welds, local high temperatures are generated. In a short time, the high temperature in the welding area cannot be distributed in time, which causes the contact surface to melt rapidly. At the same time, the pressure electromagnet generates magnetic force under the condition of power on, and applies downward force to the cleaver, so that the two Metallic bonding bond together. When the ultrasonic Stopping power, let the pressure applied on the cleaver last for a period of time to solidify and form, so as to form a solid molecular chain, achieve the purpose of welding, form a solid mechanical connection, and realize welding. The schematic diagram of gold wire ball welding line technology is as follows:

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