• Solution

Multi row solder pad shell packaging IC wire ball bonding technology

In the wire bonding of multi-layer and multi row pad shell packaging circuit, due to the large density of bonding leads, the distance between bonding leads is small, and the distance between bonding points is also small. In the circuit bonding, the position, quality of bonding points, and the arc of bonding leads need to be well controlled, otherwise the circuit bonding cannot meet the requirements of actual use. The article discusses the arc control of gold wire ball bonding leads for high-density multi-layer and multi row solder pads ceramic shell packaging integrated circuits, as well as the quality issues of conventional ball bonding points for shell solder pads. By optimizing the arc form of bonding leads and adopting" Self mode" The planting ball bonding technology greatly improves the quality of circuit bonding, and the bonding leads meet the requirements of process control and practical use. At the same time, the density of bonding on the shell solder pad has also been improved

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